Saturday 21 January 2012

Sustainability culture

Under the conditions provided above Nigeria and other developing countries with the similar situation has a chance to become a real economic power. Finding a balance between government’s regulations, human rights, ethnic differences and oil industry’s interests along with clear specifications as to resources’ ownerships will lead to regeneration of the economic strength and stability in the country.

If a sustainability culture can be ingrained at a company, then perhaps the current LOOK of a Sustainability function may not be as necessary. In my view, the organization would be well-served if it follows the Quality path and changes the mission and focus of a Sustainability group. A provocative assertion but one that you can see being enacted if you look at how companies are funding and staffing for sustainability.

According to a new Green Research survey of 49 top sustainability executives, 2012 sustainability budgets will grow faster -outside- of sustainability departments than inside them. And many companies have more sustainability-focused staff throughout their organizations than they do in the sustainability department itself. In other company news, Unilever was announced as the Grand Prix winner at the 2011 International Green Awards in London.

The increase in productivity, according to survey respondents, is attributed to fewer office interruptions and distractions, less socializing, and less time spent in non work- related activities such as commuting to the job or traveling from building to building for meetings. In addition, more than 85 percent of respondents rated telecommuting as either important or very important to their overall job satisfaction.

"Making" compost is basically a matter of supplying the ingredients to the composter, making sure that it is neither too wet nor too dry (it should be moist), and turning or stirring the contents on a regular basis to encourage the matter to break down evenly. Whether it's a small counter-top composter or one of the huge outdoor rotating compost bins, the process is the same: aerobic bacteria break down the organic matter to produce a rich, brown mulch that is full of nutrients plants love. And you can avoid chemical fertilizers altogether in some gardens.

Whoever does ordering for your business should be aware of promoting reduction in use. Can they order refills instead of brand new products? Can they get a generic brand that works the same? Can they purchase cheaply from companies nearby that don't need to spend overhead on delivery costs and pollute the environment by wasting the gas to ship the products?

Such large scale and iconic turbines have seized the initial wind energy limelight. They can be situated on available marginal land, and can generate significant amounts of power far from that power’s point of use. They are thus an important component of our national and global alternative energy planning.

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