Tuesday 10 January 2012

Radboud university nijmegen

radboud university nijmegen is looking for international examples of sustainability initiatives. Successful developments often start when one or two people say to each other "would it not be nice if....". This also applies for sustainability. We are interested in how these sustainable developments occur, how they are organized, and what makes them successful. Do you have an example for us?

From time to time, terms expand beyond the Webster's definition to the point that everybody uses them but nobody really knows what they mean. A good example is the word "organic". All chemicals containing carbon chains are organic. All food comes from an organism and is hence organic. When we hear "organic food" we know that this is not what is meant, but what does it really mean? Many legal actions have been necessary because using the word "organic" on a food label is subject to so many different interpretations.

"Initially, I was dead set against it," said Rodgers. "In our business, we feel that it is a sign of respect to go visit someone and show them the work in person. And this being a creative business, we feel that if we can charm our clients with our mystical magic, it will make all the difference in whether they become true believers in the advertising."

Using the mandates of the 2006 international energy conservation code (IECC) and Energy Star as its reference base, the NGBS rates buildings and their components at increased levels of efficiency, with Bronze representing a 15% improvement over the reference base, Silver: 35% improvement, Gold: 50% improvement and Emerald: 60% improvement.

The hydrologic design of most sites typically attempts to control the peak water volume fluctuations that occur soon after 1” to 2” rainfalls. When properly designed — and incorporating such elements as sand filters, membranes, organic filters, and bioretention — permeable paving systems may remove from half to two-thirds of the total suspended solids typically carried away by stormwater run-off: copper, zinc, phosphorous, salts, etc.

Of course, the effectiveness of any permeable paving system relies in great part on the natural permeability of soils native to the subject site. Sandy soils allow for rapid percolation and penetration of water, and thus low run-off to other areas. At the other end of the soil spectrum, clay soils resist the percolation or penetration of water, and therefore will shed water to other areas. Site soils are best examined by qualified professionals, usually via test pits cut into the earth.

Unless you set aside time to go hiking in a nearby state or national park, living in Los Angeles can make you feel drained and desperate for a little tête-à-tête with nature. The annual Topanga Canyon Earth Festival is a community resource for people in the Los Angeles metropolitan area looking to enjoy the outdoors and get tips on how to improve their lifestyles, energy levels, and health.

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