Tuesday 17 January 2012

Longitude and latitude coordinates

Composting is actually very easy to do. In most cases it's simply a matter of scraping plates into the composter instead of into the trash. While you shouldn't compost meat, bones, and dairy products (because they often attract predators like raccoons to your yard), you can compost just about any other leftover food scraps, including crumbled egg shells. You can also compost non-food items like hamster cage bedding, dryer lint, and shredded up paper.

Same applies to companies that are socially, economically and environmentally conscious. And simply put, we need ‘experts’ on this subject matter. CSR may be redundant put CSR practitioners and experts would be required if not the departments. It is like saying I am ‘honest’ in my way and do not need to go to Sunday school. I believe there is a degree of truth to this, and that, if done right, it could work to everyone’s benefit. I recall similar comments about departments for Quality, Environmental, and Safety.

It IS better if an organization realizes that Quality is everyone’s job, and a culture of Quality gets embedded into every product design, request for funds, marketing campaign, customer interaction, etc. What may have started out as a Quality Department with entire responsibility for Quality organization-wide, shrinks to a smaller department, but one with a different mission – a mission of specialists, tracking emerging issues, governance, peer/ competitive analysis, and support.

The sort of design you go with should suit your location, but it should also suit your geography. What’s implied by geography isn’t just the type of ground, or the longitude and latitude coordinates of the ground, but the climate and weather. If it snows at any point during the year at your hen house location, then you’ll have provided a space for the hens to stay when it’s snowing. Your design should incorporate a sort of hen condominium for this need.

For individuals, the ability to forgo short term pleasure to pursue long term goals is a hallmark of maturity. Our society is fixated on instant gratification, indicating its immaturity. Credit card debt is at record levels and personal saving is at a low. Maybe it's time for us to grow up. "Sustainability" is a catch phrase and sound bites are a symptom of our short cultural attention span. But as we become annoyed with the inevitable overuse of this word, lets remember that this very annoyance is a symptom of the social immaturity that "sustainability" is trying to address.

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