Tuesday 24 January 2012

Recreational equipment inc

Similar to the beginning of the quality movement, many companies got on the bandwagon and implemented the concepts haphazardly with no intent or strategy, reaped some results from low-hanging fruit, but never really saw the full impact and the possible results that could have been theirs to realize. Kevin Myette, Director of Product Integrity at recreational equipment inc (REI) says that “sustainability is the next quality movement … and it is no longer just for big companies.”

supply chain management used to be a narrow, back-office, low-profile function. Decisions, which were made somewhere else in the company, were simply implemented, based on efficiency and cost. Those decisions usually covered product/service offerings, design, selecting andsourcing raw materials, facilities and manpower, production processes, shipment, marketing, distribution, and end-of-life disposal. No more.

Products formed of steel (like those composed of other popular metals) may be optimal for green building design and construction, for steel is both a highly-recycled and a highly-recyclable product. Steel is also quite durable, giving it a long performance life relative to its costs of acquisition, fabrication and installation. Finally, steel components can be developed to enable affiliated materials to achieve their own heightened efficiencies.

If you offer a single service, consider branching out to related services. Do you run a restaurant or cafe? Consider selling compost or used coffee grounds. Think about putting a community garden in a nearby lot so people can rent garden space, improve the look of the community, and make use of the compost produced. There are many available options for people who are willing to branch out from their one specific business goal. It's often these multi-step entrepreneurs who can save the most money and have successful businesses.

“It’s clear that we need new ways to help small businesses and entrepreneurs take their ideas from the dinner table to the production line, said Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), who championed the bill. ”The first step is to modernize outdated regulations that stand as barriers to American innovation. This legislation will ensure that our small businesses are not left behind. Crowdfunding can help give them the means to create jobs for hard-working individuals here at home.”

The need for sustainability in urban regeneration has come to be widely accepted, sustainability is seen to be of central importance in government policy, urban regeneration projects tie themselves in knots to show that they are achieving sustainable development. However, for such a dominant concept there seems to be very little agreement about what sustainability actually is. Campbell writes that “In the battle of big public ideas, sustainability has won: the task of the coming years is simply to work out the details” (1996).

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