Monday 30 January 2012

Remote access solutions

AT&T remote access solutions include services such as: • AT&T Global Network Client - a virtual private network (VPN) client that provides seamless and reliable remote access to enterprise infrastructure and Internet resources; AT&T VPN Tunneling Service (AVTS) - enables customers to extend reliable remote access and site-to-site capabilities to branch offices and remote workers through dedicated connections to the AT&T Global Network or Internet; Laptop Connect - provides reliable, easy to use, one-click mobile access via broadband cards to AT&T enterprise infrastructure and Internet applications via the AT&T Global Network Client; and • AT&T Network-Based IP VPN remote access service (ANIRA) - provides business customers with a single solution for connecting their personal computers or local area networks (LAN) remotely to secure corporate resources as well as the public Internet.

Discussions are on-going and a deal will be reached by the Government of Malaysia with the EU representatives on this issue. In this regard, there is a need for all stakeholders to support the government and ASEAN as a whole in forging a win-win situation within the context of COP-15 and COP-16.

The plan, launched just over one year ago, includes goals to cut the environmental footprint of Unilever’s products in half, sustainably source 100 percent of its agricultural raw materials, and help 1 billion people improve their health and well-being. Weed said brands should weave CSR into their practices across the company, and that stand-alone CSR departments are an “add-on,” Marketing magazine reports. Weed added: “The only sustainable growth is consumer-demanded growth.

Architects and builders have also at times turned to modified wood. Thermally modified wood is wood that has been heated to improve its dimensional stability (that is, its reduced tendency to shrink, swell, split, check, warp or ‘cup’) and its durability (its resistance to insects, fungi and rot). But there are limits to how significantly wood can be modified through heating, and the heating itself has some trade-offs in reduced strength and other diminished appearance and functional properties.

Even if you don't grow food, you can still participate in sustainability whether you use your compost on flower beds, indoor herb gardens or houseplants. And if you don't garden at all, there are plenty of home gardeners who would love to get some more good compost for their own gardens. So there's really no reason not to start composting. It may not be on the scale of a large college dining hall composting plan, but composting at home contributes to overall dining sustainability.

Vertical wind turbines

As the preservative is toxic to humans and pets, and tends to leach from the treated products throughout its service life, the treated wood must be clad, faced, or coated, or its placement and use must be carefully considered. Coated woods that have been sawn, cut, notched or drilled simply expose untreated wood to the ravages of weather, rot, insects and microbial growth.

Steel has been successfully recycled since the early decades of the 1800s. It is the world’s most recycled material, with U.S. recycling totaling more than 60 million tons each year. Steel production has become one of industries most efficient processes, with the industry’s required energy now running at a mere fraction of that of earlier times.

Visitors excited by didgeridoos, accordions, and teenage eco-Led Zeppelin style music, had only to sit in front of one of the festival’s two stages, breath in the excitement, and watch unicyclists almost collide with painters. The annual celebration is setup to maximize the potential of visitors to enjoy themselves. Whether laidback or eager to collect information, the festival offers opportunities for people of diverse interests every year. The only requirement is that visitors come with an openness to further appreciate, protect, and enjoy nature.

In the case that your location is free of these animals then the open range design can vastly improve the health of your chickens, in a way that they’ll be able to exercise and roam freer than they would in a traditional housing unit. The Japanese take this approach with their cattle, and their kobe beef, consequently, is some of the most sought after beef in the world—a real in culinary markets, internationally.

Large (horizontal) and small (vertical) wind turbines vary in the particular needs they meet. large wind systems — those that can generate 100kw or more — are generally created as supplements to the power grid, and are often based primarily on a favorable return on investment. Smaller wind systems — those that may generate as little as 100w —are most often developed due to a desire to shift toward alternative energy, to provide independence and energy security, or to generate power immediate to where it will be used. Small wind systems may be used to power equipment or appliances, to charge batteries, to complement another generating system, or simply to be tied into the power grid to reduce one’s overall utility bill.

This is basically the same philosophical approach as the open range housing design setup. The idea is that the chickens’ muscles will be in better health, the chickens overall will be in better health, with a less likelihood of cancer in the animals, and better, looser joints, which all provide for better tasting meat that’s better for the person, dietary-wise.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Deep fat friers

So to improve participation levels, it may be matter of more utilities offering more on-bill financing programs and then being patient; it may take some time for participation to snowball. Will this happen? Can you expect to see your utility offer on-bill financing any time soon? The ACEEE report points out various reasons utilities are hesitating. Not surprisingly, money is a big issue. Utilities see less opportunity to finance an on-bill program, especially now that government funds are dwindling.

If sustainability is viewed as a strategy to be developed over time, then there needs to be a systematic approach to be able to move from where your company is now to where it wants or needs to be. Our systematic approach looks at sustainability through the progression of five levels.

Some of this pressure can be relieved by attracting more third-party capital to programs, according to the ACEEE report. This approach has potential because investors perceive utility revenue as low risk; consumers tend to prioritize paying their utility bills, since non-payment leads to shutoff of service. So, some utilities are exploring the possibility of bundling program loans with other financial products and creating a secondary market for capital.

Industrialism and the Information Age have provided our society with the tools it needs to reverse our current path of environmental degradation. Solar panel technology and the multitude of other inventions for collecting the energy of the sun are constantly improving and becoming more affordable. We may also gather energy from the wind, water, ground and even our own waste products.

KFC by removing the vegetable oil from deep fat friers to gain a "double benefit" exhibit its confusion over the RED Directives and EU position regarding the proceedings concluded at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Another issue which requires amicable resolution is the definition of 'vegetable oil' and 'palm oil' etc.

The second method of obtaining durable wood has been the treatment of a more readily available and affordable non-durable wood species, such as pine or beech, with a chemical application or a coating that will impart improved durability. Historically, the most common chemical application used has been the toxic preservative, copper chromium arsenic (CCA). CCA-treated wood has its own use and sustainability issues.

AT&T Remote Access Services provide workers with the flexibility to access corporate information applications on the fly, whether telecommuting, working from home, traveling or perhaps even as extended members of corporate work groups. Providing an experience and performance similar to what they would achieve directly on the corporate network, AT&T Remote Access Services provide users with access to their corporate applications through a single, simple, reliable logon while working remotely from locations throughout most of the world.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Curtainwall systems

"Different parts of the organization also needed to believe in the campaign, so the challenge was to convince everyone to agree from the start that this was the right way to go," said Rodgers. "It was critical to get in front of these different clients and have them feel like they were part of the idea instead of 'Here it is, hope you like it.' And, since they're in different locations, we would've had to take our show on the road, which simply wouldn't have been feasible given budget, calendar and time constraints."

As one might expect, knowing the varied pressure forces acting on a building and the numbers of ways in which water might enter, trying to completely seal the single outermost exterior building surface to prevent any penetration whatsoever can be a challenging and costly task. Such exterior building envelopes as glass-and-metal curtainwall systems must therefore rely on sophisticated design, careful detailing, precise manufacturing, close tolerances and proper installation.

"The ability to provide for the needs of the world's current population without damaging the ability of future generations to provide for themselves. When a process is sustainable, it can be carried out over and over without negative environmental effects or impossibly high costs to anyone involved."

As this tide swells, many executives are left with the nagging sense that such investments rest on a shaky understanding of how corporate responsibility creates value, both for their companies and for society. Some investments, of course, produce immediate and quantifiable gains, such as those from recycling or from manufacturing processes that save energy. But often, social investments are expected to yield longer-term benefits as engaged consumers step up their purchases, a broader investor base develops, or new talent flocks to a company’s recruiters.

It is important to note that the mere absence of the fully outlined legal regime is not essentially an obstacle to the successful development of country’s natural resources. There are instances where oil industry has developed greatly in places where there were no laws and written regulations on ownership of resources and their development. On the other hand the presence of inconsistent claims of ownership can be a big problem, especially in countries like Nigeria where it can easily lead to military confrontations.

Chicken coop blueprints vary, of course. What sort of style or fashion of hen house depends on the hens themselves? You know your breed of hen’s best. You can drastically reduce the possible number of designs for your hen house by selecting a location. Not very many designs for example will work on a slope. Not very many designs will work on hard rock surfaces.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Remote access solutions

Of course, the bill will still have to survive the tense partisanship of the U.S. Senate before it becomes law, but this victory in the House and a written statement of support from the President is a good start. Move over procurement, there’s a new game in town. And, it’s likely to be taking over the wheel for a long time to come. Sustainability is being driven by the growing concern about how everything we do will impact Planet Earth.

In their search for the ideal sustainable exterior finish wood — whether for windows, doors, decks or siding — architects can now add another valuable option to their arsenal: acetylated wood. Traditionally, there have been two primary methods of obtaining durable wood for use in exterior trim, joinery, sidings and facings, especially those components potentially exposed to severe weather conditions.

Aside from the great environmental effects that result from paying attention to sustainability at work, charges often get decreased and reputations get boosted as customers and patrons hear that your business is environmentally conscious and aware of community improvement. That ends up meaning more customers, lower overhead, and greater income for most businesses. With reasons like that, there's no excuse not to go green.

The first of these methods has been the selection of an inherently durable tropical hardwood species, such as teak or mahogany or western red cedar. However, such hardwoods are of ever more limited availability, and can prove to be exorbitantly expensive. There may also be sustainability issues associated with those species. Are they a renewable resource? How quickly can they be regenerated? Are they being responsibility grown, tended and harvested?

Reducing GHG emissions associated with unnecessary workplace travel is aided by remote access solutions that extend the boundaries of fixed workplace environments. To achieve location independence, workers need secure broadband access.

We are, as a collective business sector, more aware than ever before about the reality of shrinking resources such as fossil fuels. Even if they read the brochure from their utility, watch a TV commercial and spot a sign on the bus, they still are slow to respond. What does convince them? A chat with a neighbor who tried the program, a push by their church, community or social group, a direct knock on the door by a real live person.

The obvious elements that affect a wind turbine’s performance are wind direction, wind speed, wind duration and overall efficiency of power capture and conversion of the wind turbine itself. Less obvious elements are the actual density of the wind and air, and the scale of the wind turbine (larger turbines can gather exponentially greater energy than smaller ones). A general rule of thumb for wind turbine efficacy is about 35% capture of the total wind energy available.

Solar energy systems

Like the power generated by sunlight, that generated by wind is subject to significant daily, seasonal, and locational or geographical fluctuations. And, just as the shading of adjacent trees or buildings can lower the performance of solar arrays, so too can the physical obstruction of terrain and buildings lower the effectiveness of wind turbines. As winds most typically increase in colder months as solar radiation decreases, wind and solar energy systems can work quite well together to supplement one another.

In addition to its location in West Hollywood, Visionary Boutique has a traveling bus that visits festivals like Topanga Canyon Earth Day. Eco-chic to the max, the bus is filled with unique and eclectic items of green culture. Magda, the woman who developed the boutique along with its organic, lifestyle brand counterpart (“Visionary”), promised a discount to visitors interested in getting a good deal on makeup.

What's more, numerous studies over the years, including a recently released Cisco report based on 2,000 company employees who telecommute, have helped build a strong case for the ancillary benefits of telecommuting, including improvements in job satisfaction, reductions in employee turnover and the intangible benefits of improved work-family balance.

People who visit the permanent West hollywood location can dump their old, toxic makeup in an area where the boutique will dispose of the waste (in a safe fashion, of course). In turn, customers can receive ten percent off of the boutiques eco-friendly makeup. How many corporate retailers can boast of that?

Steel is both highly recycled and highly recyclable within a ‘closed loop’. That is, steel components can be recycled virtually indefinitely back into new steel components of an identical nature and performance. This is in contrast to ‘down-cycled’ products, such as certain wooden construction elements, that must always be recycled into something of lessened quality or utility. For example, virgin timber members may be recycled to planar decking or siding, thence to plywood, or flakeboard, or oriented-strand board (OSB).

There are various things you can do to "tweak" the composting process, such as using varying levels of green matter (like vegetable peelings) and brown matter (like crunched up dead leaves), but it's not really an exact science. Some people (primarily outdoor composters) introduce certain worm species to their compost mix to aid the process. While you want to keep bugs like roaches out of your compost, small bugs like wood lice are beneficial. Of course, if you're composting indoors, you probably want to keep insects and worms out altogether, and most home composters do a great job of keeping the pests out.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Paper towel dispensers

In addition to the body of research attesting to the productivity gains afforded by the many variants of telework and telecommuting, there is also growing recognition for the positive impact on personal productivity and quality of life issues that are enhanced by eliminating wasted travel time for comparable types of work and increasing access to work.

Aside from the gruesomeness of that minute point of the open range, the other drawback to such a setup is of course predators. Again, location makes all the difference. Surprisingly, if you’re in an area such as the california sierras, where mountain bears are common place—at least they used to be, chickens would be fine in an open range.

Neither the bear nor the chickens would come into contact. The bear would simply leave the coop intact. However, the animals you do want to worry about are the smaller creatures. Wild cats, even domesticated dogs and cats are known to feast on open and free range chickens, and it’s critical that your location be cleared of these animals. Raccoons and other marsupials are also dangerous to chickens in the evenings.

This year, the effects of the California economy on local living have been daunting. While Green Truck might be inspiring and useful in the long run, not everyone has as an arsenal of vegetable oil to use for cooking and fuel. Local businesses, like Visionary Boutique, align transportation and environmentalism in a different, though effective, way.

In addition to making flush valves and faucets hands-free, sensor technology has also spread to such restroom accessories as hand dryers, soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers. Recent generations of energy-efficient hand dryers offer substantial life cycle savings over the use of paper towel dispensers, while reducing paper consumption and waste handling.

The operational concept behind all wind turbines, large or small, horizontal or vertical, is the same. The kinetic energy possessed by the wind is imparted to the blades or vanes of the turbine, which, through its rotation, imparts the mechanical energy to a generator, which converts that mechanical energy to electrical energy that then travels to a power grid or immediately powers equipment.

If you offer delivery service, consider getting a bicycle for nearby deliveries or hiring bike messengers. This works especially well in large metropolitan areas or in college towns. When your business supports other local businesses that also promote environmental sustainability, it keeps the local economy moving and can help direct funding to environmental improvement in your own community.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Recreational equipment inc

Similar to the beginning of the quality movement, many companies got on the bandwagon and implemented the concepts haphazardly with no intent or strategy, reaped some results from low-hanging fruit, but never really saw the full impact and the possible results that could have been theirs to realize. Kevin Myette, Director of Product Integrity at recreational equipment inc (REI) says that “sustainability is the next quality movement … and it is no longer just for big companies.”

supply chain management used to be a narrow, back-office, low-profile function. Decisions, which were made somewhere else in the company, were simply implemented, based on efficiency and cost. Those decisions usually covered product/service offerings, design, selecting andsourcing raw materials, facilities and manpower, production processes, shipment, marketing, distribution, and end-of-life disposal. No more.

Products formed of steel (like those composed of other popular metals) may be optimal for green building design and construction, for steel is both a highly-recycled and a highly-recyclable product. Steel is also quite durable, giving it a long performance life relative to its costs of acquisition, fabrication and installation. Finally, steel components can be developed to enable affiliated materials to achieve their own heightened efficiencies.

If you offer a single service, consider branching out to related services. Do you run a restaurant or cafe? Consider selling compost or used coffee grounds. Think about putting a community garden in a nearby lot so people can rent garden space, improve the look of the community, and make use of the compost produced. There are many available options for people who are willing to branch out from their one specific business goal. It's often these multi-step entrepreneurs who can save the most money and have successful businesses.

“It’s clear that we need new ways to help small businesses and entrepreneurs take their ideas from the dinner table to the production line, said Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), who championed the bill. ”The first step is to modernize outdated regulations that stand as barriers to American innovation. This legislation will ensure that our small businesses are not left behind. Crowdfunding can help give them the means to create jobs for hard-working individuals here at home.”

The need for sustainability in urban regeneration has come to be widely accepted, sustainability is seen to be of central importance in government policy, urban regeneration projects tie themselves in knots to show that they are achieving sustainable development. However, for such a dominant concept there seems to be very little agreement about what sustainability actually is. Campbell writes that “In the battle of big public ideas, sustainability has won: the task of the coming years is simply to work out the details” (1996).

Monday 23 January 2012

Passive solar energy

For guests still hungry after munching on a handfuls of samples, raw and vegan food from Draw, or Green Truck, could be purchased at a great deal. People formed long lines in front of the vendors, eager to buy a Sweet and Tangy Thai Wrap from Draw, or a kombucha from Green Truck. As Green Truck uses biodegradable containers, bags, napkins, and utensils, no one was worried about what would become of the waste. The mobile restaurant is powered by recycled vegetable oil. In effect, Green Truck—unlike most automobiles--does not clog Los Angeles’ drainage systems.

Recycling programs are often very simple to implement and, especially if your company produces many plastic bottles or paper waste, it can save a great deal of money on trash collection because the trash collectors won't need to come as often.

This is a relatively difficult thing to do, since chickens tend to contort and persist their bodies through any crevice afforded to them. Most open and free range setups are composed of a sort of barb wire for chickens. To be frank, this is effective only because, usually, one or two of the chickens actually die while trying to pass, and the rest of the coop learns from that example.

A sustainable lifestyle is one that seeks to harmonize with the elements of the natural world. We can use the forces of nature to our advantage, without abusing them and causing as little disturbance to the natural environment as possible. One such example is harnessing the energy of the sun. Solar energy can be captured in a variety of ways.

The most basic way, passive solar energy, refers to the type of construction materials used and their placement. For example, a house designed to face the south allows the heat of the sun to warm the house all day long. Add to that other passive solar features such as thermal mass and the house is already well on its way to energy-independence.

However, small scale wind energy turbines — quite often operating on a vertical axis — can also serve our burgeoning power needs, especially in denser urban areas, where large scale horizontal turbines are infeasible.

In addition to a telecommuter population that, at this writing, totaled approximately 10,000 employees, the company has enabled 130,000 employees with mobile and remote access technologies that allow them to telework from a variety of locations. AT&T defines telecommuting as a formal work arrangement in which people work from home at least one day each week.

Restroom faucets or taps are the next place to go green. The right metering faucet can reduce water usage by half to two-thirds, while offering hands-free use, automatic shut-off, and resistance to vandalism. Durable and reliable products offer long service life with low maintenance.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Telecommuting program

An important aspect of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building certification system is that it does ‘score points’ for any individual product over any other product. It instead grants qualification points or credits for certain in-use performance criteria. So, in effect, a green product cannot merely talk the talk, it must also walk the walk.

It won the award in recognition of its Sustainable Living Plan, which judges say includes ambitious goals and represents a comprehensive value chain approach to sustainability. Indeed, when it comes to energy, it’s not easy convincing consumers to accept new ideas, even those that directly benefit them, as behavioral scientists made clear at an ACEEE-sponsored conference on energy use and behavior in Washington, DC earlier this month.

One of the first and most critical places to save is in the selection of appropriate flush valves for toilets and urinals. Today’s flush valves should offer greater water efficiency than in times past, while affording universal ease of use, in a sanitary, durable and reliable product. As the performance of any particular flush valve is closely related to the design and form of the fixture it must flush, the industry is moving toward ‘paired performance’ where fixtures and flush valves are employed as a highly effective tandem team.

To maximize and maintain sanitary conditions within restrooms, flush valves are also increasingly shifting to hands-free sensor operation. With appropriate flush valve (and fixture) design and selection, we can now achieve water consumption roughly 1/3 of that of 40 years ago.

The AT&T telecommuting program is also delivering significant reductions in CO2e emissions. The AT&T telecommuter population surveyed avoided 142 million commute miles per year, with annual fuel savings of approximately 7 million gallons and a net reduction in CO2e emissions of 61,637 metric tons per year.

With an average round-trip commute time per employee of 113 minutes, respondents cited "work-life balance" as the number one reason why they telecommute. The time that employees would have spent commuting to and from work can be used instead as personal or family time and, as indicated by 96 percent of respondents, also represented time that was given back to the company as additional productive time.

If your hens roam free in an open range, and it doesn’t snow at any point, an entirely open range set up for your hens is advisable. In such a case, the hens wouldn’t need a traditional house; the periphery of the pen would just need to be secured in such a way that the birds do no pass beyond the delineated border.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Sustainability culture

Under the conditions provided above Nigeria and other developing countries with the similar situation has a chance to become a real economic power. Finding a balance between government’s regulations, human rights, ethnic differences and oil industry’s interests along with clear specifications as to resources’ ownerships will lead to regeneration of the economic strength and stability in the country.

If a sustainability culture can be ingrained at a company, then perhaps the current LOOK of a Sustainability function may not be as necessary. In my view, the organization would be well-served if it follows the Quality path and changes the mission and focus of a Sustainability group. A provocative assertion but one that you can see being enacted if you look at how companies are funding and staffing for sustainability.

According to a new Green Research survey of 49 top sustainability executives, 2012 sustainability budgets will grow faster -outside- of sustainability departments than inside them. And many companies have more sustainability-focused staff throughout their organizations than they do in the sustainability department itself. In other company news, Unilever was announced as the Grand Prix winner at the 2011 International Green Awards in London.

The increase in productivity, according to survey respondents, is attributed to fewer office interruptions and distractions, less socializing, and less time spent in non work- related activities such as commuting to the job or traveling from building to building for meetings. In addition, more than 85 percent of respondents rated telecommuting as either important or very important to their overall job satisfaction.

"Making" compost is basically a matter of supplying the ingredients to the composter, making sure that it is neither too wet nor too dry (it should be moist), and turning or stirring the contents on a regular basis to encourage the matter to break down evenly. Whether it's a small counter-top composter or one of the huge outdoor rotating compost bins, the process is the same: aerobic bacteria break down the organic matter to produce a rich, brown mulch that is full of nutrients plants love. And you can avoid chemical fertilizers altogether in some gardens.

Whoever does ordering for your business should be aware of promoting reduction in use. Can they order refills instead of brand new products? Can they get a generic brand that works the same? Can they purchase cheaply from companies nearby that don't need to spend overhead on delivery costs and pollute the environment by wasting the gas to ship the products?

Such large scale and iconic turbines have seized the initial wind energy limelight. They can be situated on available marginal land, and can generate significant amounts of power far from that power’s point of use. They are thus an important component of our national and global alternative energy planning.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Hot water heater

Minimizing the distance from home hot water heater to laundry or dishwasher can help us save water as well as energy; we may alternately decide upon a tankless or ‘instant’ water heater close by appliances demanding hot water. The use of cold water detergents and cold water cycles can also help us save considerably on overall energy use.

Business strategies that promote environmental sustainability can also save money since these implementations tend to focus on reducing waste (which means using less) and reusing components (which means ordering new components less often). At the onset of putting business strategies into effect that are intended to promote environmental sustainability, it's a good idea to make sure everyone in your company or business is on board. Post flyers, mention it in passing, and perhaps hold a meeting to discuss how important these implementations are. Less waste is more money, higher profit, and could end up as bonuses in the pockets of the employees.

An AT&T telecommuting survey, based on responses from more than 9,000 full- and part-time employees and their supervisors participating in the company's telecommuting program, concluded that productivity increases, often dramatically, by enabling employees to perform work away from their central work location.

Completed in August 2009, the survey indicated that among telecommuting supervisors, more than 98 percent indicated that telecommuting has had either a positive or neutral impact on employee productivity. This view was shared by employees themselves, with more than 96 percent indicating that they agree or strongly agree that they are more productive on the days when they telecommute.

One advocate of Abundance Meal described how it is possible for people to improve their health and energy levels by following seven simple steps. The meal is tasty and highly unusual, consisting of colon cleanse fiber blend, bentonite clay, and sea salt flush. For people hesitant to make a commitment to the Abundance Meal thirty day cleanse, the seven steps include: walking, sunshine, clean air, whole foods, loving/non-toxic relationships, and passion. This combination would make anyone feel grounded yet euphoric.

Restrooms and their amenities are also at a nexus of environmental concerns: water cleanliness and conservation, energy consumption, paper product consumption, waste reduction, disease prevention, indoor air quality, the use of potentially toxic cleansers, etc. And, because restrooms are used regularly and constantly in almost all built environments, their use of energy and water almost never stop, nor does their consumption of valuable maintenance staff hours and supplies. Relatively minor incremental savings in initial restroom design and engineering can therefore translate into substantial long-term savings.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Sustainability initiative

Some of the most commonly, frequently and universally used components of any of our built environments are its restrooms and their fixtures. Restroom amenities have significant impact on the cleanliness, health, well-being, comfort, self-image, convenience and productivity of all who use them. They may also reflect well or poorly on their owners, tenants, managers, operators and related business enterprises — indeed on the embracing society as a whole.

Given that transportation represents approximately 26 percent of CO2e emissions worldwide, telecommuting is potentially the most promising opportunity for businesses to capture significant CO2e reduction benefits in the near term, with a relatively minor investment in technology equipment and infrastructure that is either already in place or is readily accessible for immediate deployment.

In addition, the calculations for capturing the initial carbon benefits of eliminating commuting travel miles are relatively straightforward and verifiable. Beyond these technology requirements, of course, successful telecommuting programs also depend on investments in optimizing business processes and harmonizing workplace behavior to overcome potential cultural and managerial barriers.

After defining sustainability for your organization, the next important question to ask is, “Where does our company stand as it relates to our sustainability initiative?” Many companies are quick to react to new initiatives without assessing what it really means for their organization.

Same has held true for Environmental and Safety functions; once the regulatory requirements were understood, most effort is pushed down to appropriate organizational levels and embedded into operations. Sustainability is different in that drivers are not simply regulatory. They are not “command and control” like (U.S.-based) regulations. There are many more issues, drivers, stakeholders, requirements, conventional practices, risks, and opportunities – and moving parts for all of the above.

In addition to providing information about Topanga Canyon nature and wildlife initiatives, the Earth Day festival gave visitors the opportunity to sample eco-friendly food and health products, like Cliff Bars, Tyler Tolman’s “Abundance” Meal, and green energy drinks. Depending on their level of interest, visitors could learn a variety of relevant facts about the health and energy benefits of such products.

When most of us hear the term “wind energy” these days, we likely envision a large wind turbine atop a sizable mast, situated on a hilltop or in a broad field, its three large blades lazily rotating about the horizontally aligned axis of its nacelle, or housing.

In addition to energy, kitchens also often consume much of our daily water, whether for food preparation, dishwashing, hand washing or consumption. It therefore makes perfect sense to seek out the most water-efficient fixtures and fittings available. When equipped with appropriate aerators and nozzles, low flow faucets can serve us well.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Longitude and latitude coordinates

Composting is actually very easy to do. In most cases it's simply a matter of scraping plates into the composter instead of into the trash. While you shouldn't compost meat, bones, and dairy products (because they often attract predators like raccoons to your yard), you can compost just about any other leftover food scraps, including crumbled egg shells. You can also compost non-food items like hamster cage bedding, dryer lint, and shredded up paper.

Same applies to companies that are socially, economically and environmentally conscious. And simply put, we need ‘experts’ on this subject matter. CSR may be redundant put CSR practitioners and experts would be required if not the departments. It is like saying I am ‘honest’ in my way and do not need to go to Sunday school. I believe there is a degree of truth to this, and that, if done right, it could work to everyone’s benefit. I recall similar comments about departments for Quality, Environmental, and Safety.

It IS better if an organization realizes that Quality is everyone’s job, and a culture of Quality gets embedded into every product design, request for funds, marketing campaign, customer interaction, etc. What may have started out as a Quality Department with entire responsibility for Quality organization-wide, shrinks to a smaller department, but one with a different mission – a mission of specialists, tracking emerging issues, governance, peer/ competitive analysis, and support.

The sort of design you go with should suit your location, but it should also suit your geography. What’s implied by geography isn’t just the type of ground, or the longitude and latitude coordinates of the ground, but the climate and weather. If it snows at any point during the year at your hen house location, then you’ll have provided a space for the hens to stay when it’s snowing. Your design should incorporate a sort of hen condominium for this need.

For individuals, the ability to forgo short term pleasure to pursue long term goals is a hallmark of maturity. Our society is fixated on instant gratification, indicating its immaturity. Credit card debt is at record levels and personal saving is at a low. Maybe it's time for us to grow up. "Sustainability" is a catch phrase and sound bites are a symptom of our short cultural attention span. But as we become annoyed with the inevitable overuse of this word, lets remember that this very annoyance is a symptom of the social immaturity that "sustainability" is trying to address.

Energy efficient refrigerators

A corollary to life cycle analysis is life cycle cost analysis. Not only must all of the impinging factors on product or component life be considered, but also a reasonable assessment must be made of the immediate, short-term, long-term and sometimes hidden costs of that life. It is quite possible that a prohibitive disposal cost at the end of service life may make the calculus of low initial cost or efficiency untenable (think asbestos, for example).

Our culture is a "catch phrase" culture. Words like sustainability make great sound bites. This cultural phenomenon is annoying but before we allow ourselves to be annoyed lets think about this idea. It has often been pointed out that the corporate world is under so much pressure to make the next quarter's earnings report look good, that it is difficult to make short term sacrifices for long term benefits. We can all agree that this is unhealthy.

Next on our list is energy efficiency. As kitchens house more power-sucking appliances than almost any other room in the home, we would be wise to seek the most energy efficient refrigerators, ranges, ovens, dishwashers, microwaves, grilles, etc. that we can find. Look to daylighting to supplement or replace powered lighting wherever possible, and consider lighter surfaces and finishes that reflect and enhance available light. Well-placed and well-designed lighting fixtures employing efficient bulbs, dimmers and occupancy sensors can greatly improve overall energy efficiency. It may also help to zone lighting, so that not all lights have to remain on at the same time.

As anyone who has traveled through humid climate can attest, air can hold a lot of moisture (or water vapor), especially warm air. water molecules carried on moving air can thus get a ‘free ride’ into a building’s interior. It is estimated that more than 95% of all moisture that penetrates most buildings is carried within on free-moving air. That is why the best slogan for preventing water intrusion is “build it tight, ventilate right.”

"Though somewhat counterintuitive, you come to realize that you actually get people more focused using telepresence than in a normal meeting because the technology makes you more self-aware than an in-person meeting," said Rodgers. "And, you can read the room as well or better than in a live meeting: You become more aware of a fidget, a furrowed brow or even the sneak peek at the BlackBerry. Once we got past the guilt feeling like we should have been on a plane going to see the client, we couldn't imagine having had to do it any other way."

Sunday 15 January 2012

Watershed committee

One of the most successful business practices in terms of cooperation between two countries is joint development arrangements. Most of such arrangements fall under one of the three major categories: 1) each state has the authority to license its own nationals to operate within the join zone, with condition for compulsory joint ventures between these licensees; 2)a joint authority with licensing and regulatory powers manages development of the resources on behalf of both states; 3) one of the states controls development of the resources on behalf of both with the other state’s participation limited only to revenue sharing and monitoring (journal of international affairs, 2005, pp. 81)

It would be a very idealistic situation, like saying we need no police since our crime rates are nearly zero. IN that case we would not need an audit department one day assuming every member of staff is ‘honest’ with integrity intact. Why do we need our annual audits had the company been at the best of its practices on every aspect. Likewise most ‘speciality’ departments would be redundant one day, and half the people would lose their jobs since there would be no supervision and monitoring required.

Those eight meetings replaced 52 round-trip airline flights, saving more than $32,000 in travel costs and reducing CO2e emissions by an estimated 26.2 metric tons. In the meantime, Rodgers now considers himself a telepresence tele-evangelist who believes the many benefits offered by the technology clearly outweigh the value of face-to-face meetings in many situations.

Last year, half of Topanga Canyon Earth Day proceeds were donated to Topanga Creek watershed committee. To make room for native species to be planted, some of the proceeds were used to eliminate invasive plants like fountain grass, Castabean, and Cape-Ivy. This year, the organization handed out a brochure with local business listings pertaining to tree maintenance, erosion control, sustainable buildings, brush clearance, and equestrian trails. The brochure also listed information about graywater, an innovation that many people dream about setting up but don’t have the resources--or can’t persuade their landlords--to construct.

The world in which we live is a system in which all elements interrelate and coexist in a harmonious balance of creation and destruction. Nothing exists or functions in isolation. Everything is interconnected and every act affects the future of countless other elements. This concept, also known as systems thinking, is easy to see when observing an ecosystem, especially when the harmony of that ecosystem is disrupted. The extinction or reduction of one species rebounds through the entire food chain, causing havoc on the lives of the rest of the species.

Forest stewardship council

The first green aspect we will examine is resource efficiency. That is, how well are we making use of indigenous, renewable, recycled, recyclable, salvaged and/or durable resources and materials in our kitchen design. Options we might explore include: replacing only hardware or cabinet doors rather than full cabinets; repurposing cabinetry elsewhere in the home, garage or yard; salvaging and reusing tile, trim, fixtures or wood flooring; creating a recycling center for all household waste; using countertops composed of recycled materials, such as broken tile, or crushed glass in matrix; using renewable resources such as bamboo, cork, and engineered wood; acquiring new woods only via sources endorsed by the forest stewardship council (FSC); sourcing all materials from as close a local source as possible; recycling all construction waste from the remodeling; and so on.

The initial telepresence meeting, which linked together the DDB account team in Chicago with its AT&T counterparts in Bedminster and Dallas, was followed by two successive telepresence meetings as the campaign was further developed and presented to a broader number of AT&T marketing clients. All told, the DDB team conducted eight telepresence meetings with its AT&T Business Solutions clients as the marketing program progressed through the summer months.

Ecobalance analysis must take into account such processes as the farming, felling, mining or other extraction of the raw materials that may be incorporated into the particular component being considered. So too must it assess all of the refining, manufacturing, assembly and finishing processes applied to that component. Also considered are the handling, transportation, fuel and packaging impacts. Any processes or products collateral to the components actual use and application are considered. And, finally, the impacts of disassembly, disposal, recycling, repurposing, composting, incineration or landfill are weighed. Thus, the life cycle is fully assessed, and perhaps another life cycle begins.

The essence of this concept is looking at the long term impact of our actions while dealing with our short term needs. This has grown out of the environmental movement and initially dealt with environmental issues. It has grown to include social, economic, and resource management issues. As a 'catch phrase" it's usage will expand into many other fields.

More and more architects are therefore making use of so-called ‘drainage plane’ walls, in which some internal plane serves as a second line of defense against the intrusion of air, water and vapor. Such walls may have simply a secondary barrier concealed deep within the wall construction, or they may make use of a drained cavity, which incorporates both a barrier, and a space from which water, moisture and humidity may be drained and vented. (A brick veneer wall over a cavity and backing masonry is a common example.)