Saturday 4 February 2012

Vertical axis wind turbines

With greater dimensional stability comes longer service life of paints and coatings, as they no longer must stretch and flex with the moving wood. Maintenance of the wood is thus reduced. And, since the removal of water also means the removal of a food source for insects and micro-organisms, the wood becomes much more durable. Building products of acetylated wood have been shown to reach effective service lives of 50 years or more in exterior above-ground locations, and of 25 years or more in contact with the ground.

When we talk about sustainability in business, it means making buildings '˜green'. Green buildings are those manufactured with recycled materials or materials that won't have a significant environmental impact. It also refers to using sustainable processes by using energy efficiently by utilizing solar power or windpower, cutting back on heating or air conditioning by using window treatments or UV reducing film over the windows, reducing and reusing waste materials such as trash, paper waste or recycling aluminum, glass and plastics.

By using sustainable landscaping such as xeriscaping and native plants that are designed to thrive in the local area without additional care or water, helps reduce impacts to natural resources by cutting back on water and pesticides.

Logically enough, the ideal placement locations for vertical axis wind turbines in urban areas are upon the tallest portions of buildings, at the leading edge or ‘prow’ of the building relative to the strongest prevailing or sustained winds, and out of the wind shadow of any nearby upwind obstructions. Concerns involved with the locations of wind turbines include their appearance/unsightliness and the structural support required. Noise is generally not an issue for vertical-axis wind turbines, as they are typically very quiet.

Depending on the desired performance characteristics of the floor/ceiling assembly, its total construction might also include sound, thermal or fire insulation, blocking or fire-stopping, resilient mounting channels for floor or ceiling finishes, acoustic isolaters, concrete topping, tile, carpet, hardwood, as well as a variety of embedded mechanical or electrical components, such as ducts, conduits, piping, fixtures, etc.

The basic idea behind virtualization is to transfer and consolidate processes into a centralized server or hosted server environment that consists of physical infrastructure that is shared through secure virtual partitioning and that can be run more efficiently than the customer's existing data center. What's more, hosted service environments are often much more likely to incorporate upgraded technology faster than would be the case with a customer-provisioned data center, thereby yielding even greater efficiencies.

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