Tuesday 7 February 2012

Chemical fertilisers

What is the easiest way to divert organic waste away from landfill, and close a lot of landfills for good? The answer to this is composting. Composting is the natural way to bring left-over organic material back into the nutrient cycle. It also replaces chemical fertilisers and improves the quality of the soil, reducing crop pests, and retaining more moisture in the soil which then means that less watering is needed.

At the heart of creating a sustainable business is to assure that future generations will not be impacted or compromised by the practices of today. They do not limit their planning or corporate strategies to the present or even the immediate future, but look and plan far enough ahead by using conservation techniques, being mindful of human rights and being socially and environmentally accountable to give the generations in the future the same opportunities and advantages that people have in the present time.

With more and more businesses taking on the ideals of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, the impacts made today should not impinge on our children's or their children's rights to enjoy nature and a pollution-free world.

AT&T helps businesses build and operate their IT infrastructure more efficiently by employing virtualization technology both in AT&T data centers and at customer locations. The AT&T Global Network, which incorporates layered network-based protection, allows customers to bridge these environments together, providing flexibility in where and how to deploy IT capacity to meet evolving business demands.

However, there are perspectives in the conservation strand of thought that would not be characterised as seeing sustainability as compatible with long term viability of current economically focused interpretations of urban regeneration. Eco-socialism argues that the economic crisis we are facing is the result of a crisis in capitalism. O'Connor's (1998) second contradiction of capitalism suggests that sustainable development under capitalism is an oxymoron as development success measured in GDP terms leads to negative environmental effects such as pollution, congestion, and stress on water reserves, Shiva observes that “Nature shrinks as capital grows” (1992 pp.189).

Perhaps you have run across the phrase ‘high performance building’ in your various forays into sustainability, environmental awareness or green design. But just whatisa ‘high performance building’ and how do you create one?

First, one must understand that ‘high performance building’ is a relative descriptor. It simply refers to a building that offers higher or better performance than another, usually older or more conventional, building. But, exactly how much higher or better? And along what parameters?

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