Tuesday 7 February 2012

Service platforms

While eco-socialism is anthropocentric and humanist and rejects the preservationist's mystification of nature they could not be characterised as advocating the long term viability of the status-quo. They argue that humans are not a pollutant, they are not destructive by nature but the prevailing economic system causes them to behave that way. The answer is to reconnect with nature by re-appropriating collective control over our relationship with nature through common ownership of the means of production (Pepper 1993).

The key to becoming sustainable as individuals and as a society is our own willingness to change and to be creative. Permaculture is a design system that guides us to build and manage sustainable living and working environments in which all of the elements overlap and interrelate to create a functioning whole. Combining our knowledge of ecological principles with our earth-friendly technology we have only to succeed in achieving a more sustainable lifestyle today, and a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

At this level, management agrees that it is time to look at sustainability as a business strategy. Management begins to see a solid business case for why sustainability makes sense in their organization and management begins defining their strategy for sustainability. Short-term, measurable results start being obtained.

It was not long ago when the word 'sustainability' held little reference to environmental obligations. Perhaps used to describe long run business budgeting or perhaps the vitality of a country's politics, but it wasn't until the green revolution that it became aligned with ecological responsibility.

Hosted solutions let customers tap into AT&T's multitenant service platforms, which provide each customer with a logically partitioned slice of the underlying shared physical assets. Leveraging virtualization and multitenancy, customers can right size their consumption of network, processing and storage resources, often with less cost and waste than the previously underutilized, dedicated infrastructure.

With the advent of global warming and the increasing emphasis on human effect, a spark had set the metaphorical fire under bureaucrats, corporations, and the individual to shape up and reflect on how one coexists with the only planet they'll ever live on. Now, whether global warming is an inevitable natural occurrence or whether it is human caused is a subject of sore debate.

Some would say that it is the fault of the gluttonous diet of the first world for luxury items, which create a ripple effect on green house gas (GHG) emissions down the supply chain to manufacturers globally. Others would challenge this loudly and explain how we are just along for the ride in a natural cyclical event of Earth.

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