Wednesday 1 February 2012

Steel joists

Clearly, in a resourcefully strained world we need to think about environmental and social responsibility.” The "high hats" for recessed lighting cost $25, each. These are equivalent to 65watts. The other bulbs cost $8. These are equivalent to 40 watts. They are, however, much brighter. All are built to fit into a conventional fixture. I think they're called "Edison" bulbs. LEDs are better than the next CFL. CFLs are - were - a transitional technology.

Steel production also typically draws on both post-industrial/pre-consumer material — usually recovered from the waste of manufacturing or fabrication processes — and post-consumer material — most often recovered from the waste of an end user or consumer. As the latter waste is more highly credited under LEED (under the assumption that one is helping the planet to a greater degree by making use of everyone’s eventualwaste), steel offers a greater sustainability advantage than some other materials. The steel typically used in making structural steel joists for construction incorporates just about 90% recycled content.

According to a recent data center study released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, by 2020, data centers could surpass the airline industry as a top GHG polluter. The GeSI report estimates that the number of data center servers will grow at a 9 percent annual rate worldwide to reach 122 million in 2020, up from 18 million in 2002, helping grow IT sector emissions at a 5.7 percent compound annual rate, while driving the sector's overall contribution to global CO2e emissions from 1.3 percent of the world's total today to 2.8 percent by 2020.

Mebratu (1998) writes that the definition of sustainable development given by the Brundtland Commission (that sustainable development “meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” (WCED 1987 pp.23)) based on need satisfaction provides the basis for the establishment's thinking on sustainability. The Brundtland Report adopted the stance that continuing economic growth and environmental protection are compatible and the only viable possibility (Leist and Holland, 2000).

Thinking '˜green' certainly is not a new concept, but it is a growing one. Since at least the 1960s, people have been recycling, reusing and conserving. There are also those people who are socially conscious and have practiced their social responsibility as part of their lifestyle. Lately, the concept of sustainability and corporate responsibility are key concepts that are built into businesses and corporate development.

They are designed to create the better usage of resources, produce less pollution, and preserve human dignity and rights. This can be done by using recycled products and materials, purchasing fair trade products, buying inventory from socially responsible companies that do not pay their employees substandard wages or benefits, andrecycling waste products such as paper or paper goods.

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